UPDATE: I am now sharing my code in the mdboom/mpl_browser_experiments github repository, rather than in a gist.
It's occurred to me recently that in my previous blog posts Part II and Part I, I was going about the problem all wrong. Getting the plotting logic running in the browser, while perhaps ideal, was full of pitfalls. The browsers all render things in different ways and have different performance characteristics. Large data structures in Javascript just start to fall over after a certain point.
One effective way to deal with the large data structure problem is to just not send them to the browser at all, but instead, send rendered images. While the size of the data scientists will want to process with Numpy and matplotlib is growing all the time, the size of the images being rendered have natural limits based on the resolution of our displays. (Retina displays have recently bumped this up, but even then, display resolution increases slowly relative to RAM and disk space). So while for simple plots, sending and using the data wins, for anything beyond a reasonable amount of complexity, sending rendering images beats it (in terms of bandwidth) every time.
The other advantage of this approach is that it will work exactly like regular matplotlib. All of the effort and work that has already gone into matplotlib to make it as feature-rich and pixel-perfect as it is will apply immediately.
So I started to look at how we could just pipe what we already have -- a high-quality, fast, and extensive rendering framework based on Agg -- into the browser.
Experiments with VNC
An obvious pre-existing hammer on the shelf was VNC <www.realvnc.com>. There are free servers available for all of the big platforms, and there is, believe it or not, a client written entirely in Javascript that runs in the browser: noVNC. After a little tinkering (I'll spare you the details), it's possible to share a single GUI window in the matplotlib kernel with a browser. And it works, more or less, although a little slowly.
There are few problems with using VNC (and this mostly applies to its competitor NX as well):
- VNC servers hook directly into the GUI technology of your platform, so each platform handles setting up a server rather differently. I'm always loathe to reach for solutions that involve a lot of platform-specific differences -- it becomes a nightmare to support.
- There's a lot of unnecessary moving pieces. On X11, for example, the VNC wants to be an entire X server, with a window manager etc. The window being shared, of course, has to be implemented in some GUI framework or other. That's a lot of extra stuff to install on a headless server that we don't really need.
- The noVNC client has to interpret the binary VNC protocol in Javascript. Joel Martin and the rest of the team are total rockstars and they've pulled off something very impressive. But at the end of the day, it's not a great fit, and it wastes a lot of cycles.
So VNC almost gets us there, and the fact that it works "almost well enough" gave me confidence that a more "conduit"-based approach would work. So I got to thinking about what the bare minimum thing is that could work.
The fact is that VNC, at least as it was being used in the above context, is just sending events from the keyboard and mouse from the client, and getting delta images from the server. It has a rather sophisticated way of compressing those delta images, but at the end of the day, that's all it really does for us, and all we really need.
It turns out that creating delta images in PNG doesn't work too badly. The empty pixels compress away rather well, and the compression and decompression can be handled in C at both ends of the pipe. That is, browsers know how to decompress PNGs inherently -- they don't need to run slow and complex Javascript to do so, so while it may not be the optimal protocol, it's a good choice in a practical sense.
A proof of concept
So in this repository, I present a proof-of-concept for this approach. I have some hideously rough and undocumented code that, given a matplotlib figure, serves it interactively to a web browser. It requires only matplotlib and Tornado (which you probably already have if you already have a recent IPython). It's obviously a long way from here to something that's a true matplotlib backend and well-integrated with IPython notebook. This code in no way represents the final API. I also don't do a lot of network programming, so I may be handling the AJAXy things suboptimally. However, I'd appreciate testing of this approach on different platforms and browsers to just prove its feasibility before putting in too much of that follow-on work.
To use it, just create a matplotlib figure, with whatever you want, and pass it to serve_figure.serve_figure(). For example, take the quadmesh example (something that would be really hard to implement in HTML5 canvas) and serve it:
import serve_figure import numpy as np from numpy import ma from matplotlib import pyplot as plt n = 12 x = np.linspace(-1.5,1.5,n) y = np.linspace(-1.5,1.5,n*2) X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y); Qx = np.cos(Y) - np.cos(X) Qz = np.sin(Y) + np.sin(X) Qx = (Qx + 1.1) Z = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)/5; Z = (Z - Z.min()) / (Z.max() - Z.min()) # The color array can include masked values: Zm = ma.masked_where(np.fabs(Qz) < 0.5*np.amax(Qz), Z) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(121) ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#bdb76b") ax.pcolormesh(Qx,Qz,Z, shading='gouraud') ax.set_title('Without masked values') ax = fig.add_subplot(122) ax.set_axis_bgcolor("#bdb76b") col = ax.pcolormesh(Qx,Qz,Zm,shading='gouraud') ax.set_title('With masked values') serve_figure.serve_figure(fig, port=8888)
Open up your webbrowser to and you should (hopefully) be in business. Open up a second browser window (whether locally or on another machine) and note that the two plots are automatically synchronized. The "data cursor" (that displays the current location of the mouse cursor in data coordinates) also works.

Matplotlib running in Firefox
Some back-of-the-napkin thoughts about performance: The average size of each frame at the default resolution is around 16 kbytes. On a standard 1MB DSL connection, we should be able to pipe 7000 of those per second, so it should be fine in terms of bandwidth. Of course, there are other factors, such as the latency of the network and the CPU time necessary to decompress the PNG files etc. that are harder to take account of. This will require some real-world testing to really get a sense of how well it works.
There's a lot of finesse to follow. For example, we should be able to shrink the bandwidth by another 20% by using a 1-bit alpha channel. The cursor shape doesn't ever change like it does in a regular matplotlib window. It should be possible (though not yet) to support the interactive callbacks in matplotlib to handle the mouse events in arbitrary ways inside of the server. In principle, there are very few limitations to this approach, and it has the potential to be a true peer to the existing backends.
Watch the matplotlib and IPython projects -- pull requests will be coming soon.
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